Dimensional Letters: Essential Signage

Dimensional letter signage visual solutions super color digital Accenture

Interior and exterior storefront letters, way-finding signs, logos, or maybe your company’s mantra. Dimensional letters have always been an essential component of signage and are a very effective way of capturing your customers’ attention. Exterior dimensional lettering can be installed directly to your building or assembled as self-standing structures, such as monument signs or other low-profile signage.

At Super Color Digital, we have decades of experience producing dimensional graphics, including logos, signs, letters, and more. Our in-house mounting department has a comprehensive group of precision cutting machines used for dimensional printing. Our laser and router cutting machines are capable of X, Y, and Z cutting on a wide variety of materials, including acrylics, Sintra, gatorboard, metal, wood, and so much more.

We recently created a large dimensional logo sign for “Accenture,” designed for use during a special event. The dimensional logo was made using 2″ thick letters mounted to the wood laminate base. The overall dimensional logo was completed at a size of 24′ W x 39″ H with the base at 24′ L x 24″ W x 6″ H.

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