Speedo Headquarters: A Case Study With Super Color Digital

Speedo Headquarters

Super Color Digital recently contributed to refreshing the look of the corporate offices of Speedo. The brand is passionate about life in and around the water, and it was our job to represent their heritage of innovation and leadership in the world of competitive swimming.

Speedo’s headquarters’ front entrance has very tall windows that nearly stretch to the top of the building itself, leaving the lobby wide open for the public to view from the street. This is an ideal location to showcase Speedo’s high contrast black and white photography of some of their top athletes in action.

We combined a mixture of wall graphics and oversized hanging banners for the front lobby. The wall graphics measure over 22 feet wide and 12 feet tall. The hanging banners on both sides of the lobby measure 22 feet tall and 7 feet wide. In addition to the large graphics in the main lobby, there were several other areas where we replaced some outdated and faded graphics with crisp new visuals throughout the facility. Super Color Digital can print to nearly any size, and all of our vinyl materials are cut with perfect precision. Our vinyl materials include pre-mask sheets for easy graphics application and will conform to flat or curved surfaces, metal, windows, and many other areas.

Speedo is the most distributed swimwear brand globally, with a presence in more than 170 countries, and helping them showcase their rich historical presence in the competitive world of aquatic sports was truly a privilege.

At Super Color Digital, we have the tools and knowledge to create visual solutions to help build and maintain the branding standards for your brand and company. Contact Super Color Digital and experience your brand in a new light.

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